Miad are pleased to offer one-to-one coaching with a team of specialist coaches, along with an online psychological measurement tool, which are used together as an indepth measurement of ones cognitive diversity – for both growth and improvement.
The online tool will be completed initially, and an appointment will then be booked for an hours live coaching and feedback webinar. Your report will be explained, and situations relevant to your current experiences and challenges will be discussed. This process can be applied in a wide variety of situations, for example, conflict within teams, self reflection and gaining insight into your behaviour, understanding your role within your current situation or team and communication and leadership.
“I have just completed a MindSonar psychometric profile as part of my advanced mentoring course with Miad healthcare. The profile gave me a fascinating insight into my style of conducting a productive conversation. The thoughtful one-to one feedback helped my understanding about my likely approach and way of thinking. It gave me some good tips to avoid pitfalls and get a positive outcome. To be recommended and good fun as well”
What is MindSonar®?
MindSonar is a unique psychological measurement that makes visible what you value and how you think in a specific context. In MindSonar, thinking refers to ‘how you perceive, think, feel and behave’. It does not identify what you think, but how you think. It is not a personality test, and you will not be ‘put in a box’ or ‘pinned to a type’. It will identify your strengths and blindspots.
It assumes that you may think differently in different situations , and that just about any thinking style has a time and place where they can be useful. Understanding your style will enable you to communicate effectively and precisely, motivate others and prevent problems in communication.
Your context
The purpose of this measurement is to identify your ways of thinking in your chosen context. You will be asked to write this context. For example, it could be to do with conflict within your team, leadership and management issues, self-reflection, or if a complaint has been raised against you, to help you to understand and provide insight into both your and others behaviours.
Please note that it’s not about giving the right or wrong answers. It’s all about how you think within your chosen context.
Watch the short video below to find out more about MindSonar
Book your session
Click here to book your individual coaching session with MindSonar..