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What we do
Why Coaching?

At Miad Healthcare, we are proud to work with hundreds of senior clinical leaders every month. We see and hear first-hand the determination and challenge required to make positive and sustainable change happen, at scale, in today’s complex Health settings. We also know that individual leaders often need more time and space than beyond group training workshops.

The purpose of individual coaching for Doctors, offered by Miad Healthcare,  is to develop their potential in creating and working towards both personal and organisational vision. Senior Doctors may be systems leaders. Coaching will enable them to focus on and manage change by understanding the root of systemic issues and developing skills that support the process of systems-level change.

What is coaching?

Coaching is a process that builds commitment in people to take practical steps to realise more of personal potential, achieve personal growth and perform well. Our coaches are trusted reflection partners for doctors, using a blend of deep listening, impactful reflective questioning and offering best-fit practices in leadership, behavioural psychology or personal effectiveness. Coaching is not about giving answers to solve problems, it is about developing conversations to enable you to discover and commit to your own action plan. Our coaches help doctors feel supported and motivated by ‘unlocking their potential’, reduce perceived interference and take achievable steps to maximise their performance.

The process offered should not be confused with Mentoring, which is usually understood as guidance support provided by a more experienced colleague. The coaching relationship, like mentoring, is confidential.

What can coaching cover?

Miad’s confidential, 1:1 Leadership coaching for doctors delivers protected time and personalised development for people who might be:

  • Stepping into new senior governance roles and responsibilities;
  • Driving positive change in team performance;
  • Recognising strengths to achieve sound decisions with stakeholders;
  • Tackling a crossroads in their own career development;
  • Adapting to responsibility for improving healthy workplace behaviours, in an overstretched service;
  • Re-framing their professional career portfolio to achieve better fulfilment and wellbeing;
  • Addressing short-term objectives and resolving current day-to-day issues that they wouldn’t usually find the time, permission, or a safe environment to do so.
How it works
  • We will agree a personalised coaching contract that sets out your goals and the parameters of the programme, including confidentiality.
  • Each doctor will initially sign up for 3 individual coaching sessions (virtual) for 90 minutes per session, with the option to extend on a session-by-session call-off basis as desired.
  • The coach will communicate directly with you or nominated doctors to make session arrangements.

To discover more about Miad’s team of experienced coaches see “Meet our Coaches” below, or to enquire about coaching contact us here.

More information

If you would like more information on this service please make an enquiry and one of our team members will be happy to answer any of your questions.

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What we do

Meet our Coaches

Allison Freer - Executive coach, trainer and facilitator

As an executive coach, Alison brings core experience based on: 

  • Mindset and behaviour change for senior leaders in Health, public service and innovation–led sectors; and for leaders challenged by making behavioural change and transformation happen.
  • Key client experience spans NHS trusts and senior clinical leaders; Higher Education; Public-Private Partnerships; IT and Technology organisations; National and Local Government; Global Consumer Goods, Engineering and Manufacturing.
  • 30+ years business management experience in HR, leadership consultancy, and business development.
  • Association for Coaching (AC) and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) qualified. Member of Confederation for British Industry (CBI).
  • British Psychological Society (BPS) psychometrics qualified, including 16PF, and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

Key skill: Coaching senior leaders and entrepreneurs. Business development, people management and comminution skills . Language and behaviour® and MindSonar® trainer

Passion: Supporting and challenging the growth of leaders so they understand themselves and understand others. Growing your business means growing with your team.

Coaching experience: whole workforce coaching and c suite/MDs  in both IT industry health and new business ventures on a growth trajectory.

Kate Bunyan Picture

Kate is a medical doctor with a portfolio career covering NHS and corporate roles in medical leadership. She is Medical Director of Miad Healthcare and has been involved in board development and organisation development with GP’s. Her passion is helping to get the best out of people so they can go on and confidently lead within healthcare. 

Kate has done this through group training incorporating coaching techniques, and 1-2-1 coaching with clinicians at every stage of their journey. She brings expertise and also holds space for people to reflect, unlocking their ability to solve their problems.

Carol Barnes Picture

With 30 plus years in leadership development, Carol has coached Medical Directors, Clinical Directors, Senior doctors and teams to make a difference in leadership, collaboration, leading the service, in developing their careers as leaders in the NHS.

Coaching Psychologist with the British Psychological Society, Carol is bound by a Professional Code of Conduct that assures a quality and confidential service for her clients.

She currently coaches remotely with clients in the UK, Kuwait, and USA helping people to reflect, unlocking their ability to solve their problems.

Dr Mayhur Vibhuti

Dr Mayur Vibhuti is a Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners with a varied experience of medical education, innovation, and transformation roles in primary care.

He is currently a GP Trainer and Health Education England GP Associate Dean for Kent & Medway Integrated Care System (ICS), GP Clinical Lead for Digital at Kent & Medway ICS, NHS England Clinical Entrepreneur Fellow & a Visiting Reader in Medical Leadership at Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent.

He has run innovative training programmes for GPs & Multi-professionals working in primary care and set up a pan HCP system innovation hub to accelerate adoption of new technologies.

Hassan Al-Hashimi

Hassan is a dynamic General Practitioner whose career spans various facets, including pivotal roles within the NHS and corporate environments focusing on medical leadership. His extensive experience encompasses senior clinical positions, notably serving as the former National Clinical Lead for GP services at Nuffield, followed by subsequent responsibilities as the Clinical Director for primary care at Bupa. Hassan is also an experienced NHS Appraiser and his active involvement with the London cancer board showcases his commitment to advancing healthcare initiatives

Coaching experience

Beyond his clinical expertise, Hassan is also recognized as an EMCC Accredited Coach Practitioner. He passionately mentors and coaches fellow NHS physicians providing personalized 1-2-1 sessions for clinicians at various points in their careers.

Complementing his medical background, he holds a degree in Sports and Exercise Medicine, underscoring his comprehensive approach to promoting wellness and health.

Will Clement

A senior manager within the OD/HR North Yorkshire and Humber Integrated Care System, responsible for strategy and deployment of organisational development and learning and development. 

Will is an experienced consultant with 20 years of experience as a coach, facilitator, and senior manager having worked in a number of large complex organisations, both public and private, embedding strategic change.

Like most things in Will’s life, his approach is powerful, simple and effective. He is an engaging and thought-provoking speaker. 

His work encourages individuals to seize the opportunity, enjoy relationships, succeed at work and learn how to respond to adverse situations with a positive approach.  Will’s aim is to release excellence in others. 

Coaching Experience

Delivery of:

  • Introduction to coaching
  • Coaching as a leadership style
  • Advanced coaching skills
  • Introduction to coaching supervision
  • Team coaching

Exec coaching:

  • Exec coaching within the NHS and Care sector (senior leaders clinical and non-clinical)
  • Highly experienced in team coaching – enabling teams to review their organisational approach and meet tactical and strategic objectives
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