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TTC Group Acquires Miad Healthcare

TTC Group Acquires Miad Healthcare

Driving forward the diversification of its training and compliance portfolio with pedigree medical education expertise

Trusted training and compliance expert, TTC Group, continues its strategic expansion in critical training and compliance services with the acquisition of non-clinical, educational training and development expert, Miad Healthcare. The purchase also opens the door to TTC’s exploration of other healthcare services. 

Well-known and respected in the healthcare sector, Miad Healthcare has been providing medical education to Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), healthcare trusts, community, GP practices, independent healthcare organisations and individuals for over 28 years. With such an established pedigree, encompassing Miad Healthcare within the umbrella of the TTC Group allows the group to widen its offer of workshop and digital training and coaching opportunities, while protecting and maintaining its reputation for high-quality trainers, which both TTC and Miad Healthcare pride themselves on.

The diverse range of courseware and organisational development services provided by Miad Healthcare includes everything from appraisal and revalidation, leadership management and teambuilding, to patient safety, business and governance, as well as a portfolio of personal development courses, all playing a part in ensuring the competence of employees to do their job. The fundamental priority of many of the courses is to keep staff, patients and visitors safe in a healthcare setting, enhancing the quality of care whilst targeting the career progression of healthcare professionals.

Comments David Marsh, CEO of TTC Group, “Earlier this year we entered a new strategic phase that saw us take exciting first steps into adjacent markets where compliance and learning are key. With financial investment from Pricoa Private Capital we have continued that drive, with healthcare front of mind.

“From care assistant to surgeon, training and competence is mandatory within the healthcare sector, so it was vital to TTC that we invest in a company with proven expertise and scale to provide quality training across the board. Miad Healthcare more than met that ambition. Furthermore, Miad Healthcare’s method of delivery is very similar to our own, with a carefully judged mix of on-line and face-to-face training and consultancy services. Miad Healthcare already has an enviable reputation in its sector and now, in the fold of the TTC Group, we aim to use our tech-enablement to accelerate its growth still further.”

Libby Ryan, Managing Director of Miad Healthcare adds, “TTC’s investment in Miad will enable our future growth both from our tech and innovation perspective, whilst complementing our existing values of putting our customers first.  TTC shares the same passion for delivering exceptional training and development services as ourselves and in partnership, we are excited to continue to benefit the many thousands of healthcare professionals we serve in Secondary, Primary, Community Care and Independent Markets.”

For media enquiries please contact:

Harrison Sadler Ltd : +44 (0) 208 977 9132

Justine Hoadley: 07775 522210

Cecile Stearn: 07789 207722

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